Breaking the silence: the ongoing fight against violence towards women

From awareness to action: how Emma Watson and Barack Obama advocate for gender equality and social change

The issue of violence against women remains a fundamental con-cern in our society. Despite years of advocacy by activists and poli-ticians championing women’s rights and equality, we have yet to achieve an acceptable level of equal opportunities. Even today, some individuals refuse to acknowledge the significant gender gap that persists in modern society, and there are still those who feel en-titled to mistreat women solely based on their gender. In this context, two notable speeches by public figures highlight this critical theme: Emma Watson’s speech at the United Nations and Barack Obama’s speech on violence against women. Both address different dimen-sions of this pervasive issue while calling for collective action to fos-ter meaningful change.
In her speech, actress Emma Watson emphasizes that the fight for women’s rights should not rest solely on women but must actively involve men as well. She argues that creating a better world for women ultimately translates into a more equal and fair world for eve-ryone. However, she points out that this battle often feels exclusive to women, perhaps due to
insufficient education and awareness about gender equality, particu-larly in schools. Furthermore, Watson highlights how societal expec-tations deter men from speaking out against abuse they may experi-ence, as they fear it might undermine their sense of masculinity or make them appear vulnerable.
Similarly, former President Barack Obama underscores in his speech that violence against women is not merely a moral issue but also a universal challenge with far reaching implications, including economic, security, and public health dimensions. He stresses that this problem transcends social status and economic differences, af-fecting individuals, families, and entire communities. More signifi-cantly, Obama highlights how gender-based violence can perpetu-ate cycles of limited access to education and economic opportuni-ties, further entrenching inequality and limiting societal progress. Consequently, he calls for systemic change to ensure that society recognizes and respects the inherent dignity of women and girls.
Ultimately, the fight for women’s rights and the battle against gen-der-based violence cannot be confined to symbolic gestures or rec-ognized solely on occasions like November 25th, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Instead, this cause requires continuous commitment and daily actions from every individual, aimed at fostering a culture of equality and respect. By working together, we can create a better and more equitable world for all, where the rights and dignity of every person are upheld.


Autori: Gabriele Bonanni and Caterina Tarquinio

Photo credit: Alexander Grey

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