Understanding the progress and challenges in achieving true gender equality
In recent years, gender equality has become a central focus in the development of society. Each year, this issue is unfortunately brought to the forefront due to various events that compel us to ques-tion how little progress we have actually made and how much more we need to do, in order to achieve this goal. Many individuals have raised their voices to fight against inequality, contributing through their powerful speeches.
One of the most significant speeches on this topic was delivered by Emma Watson at the United Nations in 2014. She passionately ex-plained how gender inequality affects both men and women, high-lighting how we tend to focus on its impact on women while often underestimating how men are similarly affected. The voices of men are frequently overlooked, to the extent that gender inequality has become an issue that impacts society as a whole. Through the “HeForShe” campaign, Emma Watson aimed to bring this issue to the attention of the public.
Another key figure in the feminist movement is the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama, as demonstrated in a speech he gave in 2013. In this address, he stated that the abuse of women is not only a moral issue, but also a root cause of various social prob-lems, such as economic, health, and security challenges. This is particularly evident when considering the status of women in the 20th century, when the suffragette movement— driven largely by the middle class—sought to provide women with more active roles in the workforce. Obama concluded his speech with a powerful call for equality, urging society to provide both men and women with the same opportunities.
In conclusion, it is imperative that we continue to look forward to a future in which all individuals are regarded as equal, in order to build a better and more just society for all.
Autori: Edoardo Sansoni, Cristiano Argentino, Marco Chebac
Photo credit: Magda Ehlers